The forest of the Amazon River basin is central to life on Earth

It is a powerful ally in the fight against climate change.
It’s unique, and it is threatened. 

0 million
The largest rainforest in the world
0 000
The river that carries the most water in the world
0 %
of all known species lives here!
A unique biodiversity, still unknown.
0 million
people living there
Indigenous peoples, traditional communities: a precious cultural diversity
in the world, this year

hectares of forests cut or burned globally

Data processed by The World Counts


Good News

Half of the planet’s rainforests have already disappeared. The Amazon remains the largest on the planet. 

The good news is that 80% of it is still standing, making our challenge possible.

About us


Our commitment is the long-term protection of the Amazon, its forest and its diversity

We operate in areas of intact forest, in the heart of the Brazilian Amazon.
We support the native people, the forest  guardians, to defend their environment, culture and traditions. As we spread their word.

what we do



Jauaperi EXTRACTIVE Reserve

600,000 hectares of untouched forest, plucked from deforestation and protected forever

In 2018, together with the native population of the Rio Jauaperi, a tributary of the Rio Negro, one of the main tributaries of the Amazon, we achieved the creation of an important protected area, with an extension more than half the size of Jamaica.

600,000 hectares of untouched forest, plucked from deforestation and long-term protected, learn more about the Jauaperi Extractive Reserve. 



Our interventions follow the path indicated by the UN Sustainable Development Goals. We participate in the global challenge for a fairer world, a healthier planet and a less uncertain future.

Our partners




We are the opportunity you were looking for. Join us to contribute to the battle in defence of the Amazon and its peoples, counter the climate crisis, guarantee the health of our planet and offer humanity a future.


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The most beautiful battlefield.
Experience the Amazon and get to know its guardians.


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Battles need funds.
Make a donation and you will be with us every day, actively, in the field.


Battles need people.
Experience the Amazon and get to know its guardians.


Are you a company or a foundation? Find out how to become greener with our projects.

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Protect a tree

Celebrate a special occasion by giving long life to a tree in the Amazon rainforest.

You will receive a Personalized Certificate with the dedication you want, the photo and the geographical coordinates of the tree you have chosen to protect.

from our blog.

Articles from our blog

Emanuela Evangelista is the winner of the second edition of Campiello Natura – Venice Gardens Foundation Award

Emanuela Evangelista has been announced as the winner of the second edition of the Campiello Natura – Venice Gardens Foundation Award for her book “Amazzonia. Una vita nel cuore della foresta” (Editori Laterza).

The award ceremony will take place on Saturday 21 September at the Gran Teatro La Fenice in Venice, during the final evening of the 62nd edition of the Campiello Award. The award will be presented by Adele Re Rebaudengo, President of the Venice Gardens Foundation.
The Campiello Natura – Venice Gardens Foundation Award, born from the synergy between the Il Campiello Foundation and the Venice Gardens Foundation, celebrates literature that explores the urgent need to re-establish a harmonious balance with nature.

Through the evocative power of the written word, the award aims to inspire respectful dialogues and conscious reflections, in an era in which nature is seriously threatened.The Jury of Literature of the Campiello Award has awarded Emanuela Evangelista for its passionate and scientifically documented testimony on the current situation of the Amazon. The work denounces the dangers of deforestation and the irresponsible use of natural resources, combining the objectivity of the scientist with the passion of the activist. The book gives voice not only to measurable data, but also to the growing self-awareness of indigenous populations, making it a reportage of great relevance.

Emanuela Evangelista will be present at the award ceremony on Saturday 21 September and will take part in a series of subsequent meetings, where she will have the opportunity to explore the themes of her book and dialogue with the public.

Monday 23 September at 6.00 pm, Royal Gardens of Venice Adele Re Rebaudengo, President of the Venice Gardens Foundation presents the book together with the author.

Tuesday 24 September at 6.30 pm Villa da Schio, Castel Gomberto – Vicenza. Giustino Mezzalira, director of the research and agroforestry management section of Veneto Agricoltura, will dialogue with the author.

Tuesday 1 October at 5.30 pm at Bosco in Città – Giardino d’Acqua in Milan. Words in the garden: the journalist Emanuela Rosa-Clot will present the book together with the author. The meeting, organized in collaboration with the magazine Gardenia, will be held at Bosco in città to celebrate the 50th anniversary of a large green lung, created in 1974 on the initiative of Italia Nostra on land granted by the Municipality of Milan.

Sunday 6 October at 10 am at the Botanical Garden in Lucca as part of the PianetaTerra festival, Emanuela Evangelista will hold the conference entitled ‘The wild road. Stories of humans and non-humans.

Monday 7 October at 6 pm Libreria Panisperna 220 in Rome the journalist Lino Lombardi will present the book together with the author.


Learn about the book here (in Italian).


The Amazon and its crucial role in the context of climate change

The Amazon, the largest rainforest in the world, is a vital biome for our planet.

Known for its incredible biodiversity and as a significant carbon sink, this region plays a key role in the global climate balance. However, the Amazon is under increasing threat due to global warming and human activities, such as deforestation and mining.

The Amazon rainforest, which is home to 13% of all terrestrial trees and the world’s longest river, the Amazon River, is losing ground at an alarming rate. About 18% of the original forest cover has already disappeared, equivalent to an area twice the size of Germany. This deforestation not only destroys vital habitats but also releases enormous amounts of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, further accelerating climate change.

The soil and vegetation of the forest contain over 150 billion tons of carbon, which is released as carbon dioxide when the forest is cut down. Additionally, human activity also contributes to the emission of other greenhouse gases, such as nitrous oxide and methane, which further aggravate the problem. These gases not only warm the planet but also alter the ocean current system, of which the Amazon is a fundamental component, contributing with one-fifth of the global freshwater discharge.

The loss of the Amazon rainforest has devastating consequences not only for local biodiversity but also for the global climate balance. Scientists estimate that we could be just 15-30 years away from the point of no return, a moment when Amazonian ecosystems will collapse irreversibly, transforming the rainforest into a dry environment, similar to a savanna.

This scenario would have catastrophic repercussions for the global climate, with effects including an increase in global temperatures, changes in precipitation patterns, and a higher frequency of extreme weather events. Preserving the Amazon is therefore crucial not only for local populations and biodiversity but for the entire planet.

We have become an ETS, but what does that mean?

ETS stands for “Ente del Terzo Settore” (Third Sector Entity), a new designation replacing the term “Onlus” for all organizations of our nature.

Our work does not change, our mission does not change, but our official name is now compliant with the law and becomes “Associazione Amazonia Milano ETS”. For you, our friends and supporters, we will continue to be Amazônia, the simple name that has characterized us for twenty years, with a single “z” as in Portuguese!

The new Third Sector Code also required us to register with the telematic registry established by the Ministry of Labor and Social Policies, so now our organization is registered in the National Single Register of the Third Sector, also known as RUNTS.

In short, always in compliance to ensure full transparency of our work.

Health and Hope for Remote Communities of the Amazon

Our valuable partnership with the Brazilian organization Doutores da Águas continues successfully.

Tirelessly, the Water Doctors bring medical examinations, free treatments, dental prostheses, and health screenings to the populations of the Amazon rainforest.

The initiative provides specialist medical assistance and health education through a hospital ship, specifically adapted to reach the most remote riverine communities. The ship is equipped with high-quality medical and dental infrastructures and a qualified team of volunteer professionals from all over Brazil.

The expeditions on board the hospital ship last for weeks and cover a route of nearly 3,000 kilometers by water, in the basins of the Negro and Madeira rivers, reaching 35 riverine communities in extremely remote regions of the states of Roraima and Amazonas.

Extraordinary Results:

  • 16,721 medical examinations conducted between 2011 and 2023.
  • 12,613 dental checks carried out in the same period.
  • 1,000 dental prostheses delivered between 2017 and 2023.

Along the route, the main villages become true centers of reception, accommodation, and treatment for the natives who need healthcare. On board, a team of volunteers composed of educators, nurses, doctors, pediatricians, dentists, dental technicians, gynecologists, and infectious disease specialists offers specialist consultations, treatments, and free medications. Dental prostheses are also provided, and health education campaigns are organized, with particular attention to children, women, and food security.

This commendable mission represents a source of hope and health for the most remote communities of the Amazon, demonstrating how dedication and commitment can make a real difference in the lives of many.

Our heartfelt thanks go to the Italian doctor Alberto Vaona who, along with two other collaborators, conceived the initiative “Io Sono Amazzonia” (“I Am Amazonia”). During this adventure, the three protagonists crossed the Transamazonian Highway by bicycle with the aim of documenting the dire condition of the Amazon rainforest and its native inhabitants. Throughout the sporting endeavor, the cycling travelers promoted fundraising for the “Dottori delle Acque” (“Doctors of the Waters”) project through their social channels and among their contacts and followers.

Associazione Amazonia Milano ETS
Registered office:
Via Pola 21 – 20124 Milan, Italy
C.F. 97389380151 – P Iva 13129030964

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