With townships the size of countries, long distances, difficult-to-access populations, low investment in public services, and transportation and communication difficulties, the right to health in the Amazon is often denied.
Health care is often reduced to the occasional visit of government boats, not always equipped with basic medicines and rarely with doctors on board.

In case of need, the traditional inhabitants of the forest must reach the main urban centers, with a journey that can take up to days of navigation
Amazônia has carried out numerous interventions over the years aimed at enhancing access to health, food safety and drinking water.
We have trained health personnel, provided medicines and medical aids to community dispensaries, donated an ambulance motorboat and fuel reserves for emergencies, organized missions of volunteer doctors and dentists and supported vaccination campaigns in collaboration with local institutions.


food safety
and more...

Talía was 6 years old when she was stung by a scorpion while playing with other children from her village. Although there are no lethal species in the Amazon, in a short time, and in the off chance of reaching an emergency room, an anaphylactic shock made her smile fade away forever.
The Talía project was born in the same year, with the main objective of preventing domestic accidents from becoming lethal due to isolation. The project allowed for the specialized training of a young local nurse, now employed by the Municipality as head of health care in the villages, in addition to the construction of a clinic equipped with basic medical devices. The center operates under the protection of the local health department and is a point of reference for the communities of the region.

In the region with the greatest availability of fresh water on the planet, millions of people still don’t have access to safe drinking water. There is no lack of water in the Amazon, which has abundant rainfall and hundreds of rivers and streams, but there is lack f access to qualitatively safe water sources.
With the Agua Boa project, we installed artesian wells in five traditional communities and a distribution network. To reduce the risk of bacterial contamination, we supplied mechanical filtration and purification systems for river waters. To reduce local pollution, we promote the use of electric motors for transport.
Pharmaceutical counter

The Italian Banco Farmaceutico Foundation collects drugs donated by pharmaceutical companies and in points of sale during the Medicines Collection Day. Amazônia, in collaboration with ForPlanet, received over 2,000 packs of drugs in 2014, destined for the Amazon.
Medicines and other health aids reached the dispensaries of traditional communities, were registered and inventoried by the health referent and distributed free of charge to the local population, based on the medical needs.

The new Coronavirus arrived in Brazil in March 2020 and struck the Amazonian populations hard. We immediately carried out an intense communication campaign to inform even the most isolated families about the risks of contagion.
In the Jauaperi Reserve the population lives in small villages, accessible only by boat, and they survive mainly from fishing, hunting and gathering, but also depend on distant cities for trade and commerce. Our campaign alerted them to the need to reduce travel and stay safe in the forest. The result was voluntary isolation, regulated by internal village and inter-community agreements. At the same time, in collaboration with the Amazon Charitable Trust and the management body of the reserve, ICMBio, we helped the inhabitants with repeated deliveries of food, medicine, hygiene products and equipment to obtain food.
We delivered almost 50 tons of stocks and basic necessities, helping local populations to overcome the emergency phase caused by Covid19.