Protecting the Amazon is a mission that requires many different skills and talents

We are a team of scientists, engineers, journalists, and citizens that contribute to reach this goal every single day. 

Emanuela Evangelista OMRI
Founder and President
Biologist, member of the Species Survival Commission (SSC) of the International Union for Nature Conservation (IUCN), Official of the order of Merit of the Italian Republic.
Chiara Tosi
Finance and Fundraising Manager
Naturalist, specialized in ecology and conservation of natural resources, environment aid worker. She has taken part in different scientific research studies in Italy, Africa and Brazil; today she is the referent coordinator of Amazônia in Italy.
Regina Nadaes Marques
Communication and Press Office Manager
Director of Agenda Brasil Brazilian Film Festival; She was appointed by the Brazilian Government as Chevalier of the Ordem de Rio Branco for her commitment in spreading Brazilian culture. At Amazônia she is in charge of communication and relationships with the media.
tiziana faraoni
Tiziana Faraoni
Founder and Vice President
After studying architecture, she specialized in photography. Since 2008 she has been the Picture Editor of L ’Espresso, thanks to her long experience in the Grazia Neri photo agency and then for D-La Repubblica delle Donne. She works daily with Italian and international photographers; she teaches in various schools and workshops and was the artistic director of the Fotoleggendo Festival in Rome for 4 years.
Gianluca Di Pasquale
Innovation and Development Manager
Manager with an international exposure, at the intersection of ecological transition and innovation. He collaborates with companies in various sectors (Energy, Manufacturing, Transport, Finance) and Governments in Europe, Asia, Africa, Canada and the USA - to mitigate and adapt to climate change, through the production and sustainable use of natural resources. Startupper and environmental entrepreneur.
Luca Locatelli
Luca Locatelli
Founder and Responsible of Media Strategy
Environmental photographer and filmmaker, he collaborates with international media like National Geographic Magazine, The New York Times Magazine, TIME and Geo Germany. He works with editors, journalists, environmentalists and scientists to explore and document the most valuable technological solutions to face 21st Century’s critical environmental issues.
graphic project manager
Vision air is a visual communication studio founded in Rome in 2019 from an idea of Daniele Zendroni and Caterina Cuzzola. It brings together a team of professionals who believe in the power of sharing knowledge and who have been involved in graphic design and communication for over twenty years.
Giacomo Pontara
With a Msc in Forest and Nature Conservation, and a specialisation in biodiversity and forest governance, he supports Amazônia in the environmental strategic consulting, in the research and planning, while working for the international cooperation of Germany (GIZ).
Damiano Fiorella
Singer-songwriter in business since 1998, he has trod important national stages with the "Monopolio di Stato " band, before participating in the third edition of XFactor in 2009 where he presented the single "Anima" produced by Michele Canova. Currently busy with live and tributes to the Italian songwriters.
Massimiliano Rocchi
Graduated in Educational Science, since 2000 he has spent long periods in the Amazon engaged in the training of young people in the traditional communities of the forest. Today he works as a professional educator of unaccompanied foreign minors for the Italian Ministry of the Interior.
Lauro Minghelli
Advertising graphic designer and passionate inventor, he makes his problem-solving skills available to the cause. He works to create solutions and, in response to needs not yet met, he can develop main or derivative inventions.
Stefano Mangiavacchi
A professional manager but a passionate traveler, he has always combined his travels with volunteer experiences. In the early 2000s he started the computer school of the Xixuaú community, in the heart of the Amazon forest, earning the title of "O Professor".


Our mission is a long-term one and requests alliances. The most important alliance we have is with the people of the forest, its first guardians.

Aluísio Barroso do Nascimento
CoopXixuaú’s Founder and President, manager for Amazônia projects.
Artemízia de Nazaré Brazão
Financial Director of the cooperative CoopXixuaú, Xixuaú village’s Health Service Manager and reference person for health assistance to the communities living in the Jauaperi Reserve.
Francisco Alves dos Santos Nascimento
CoopXixuaú’s Managing Director, field assistant in research projects and expert environmental guide.
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Francenilson Vidal
Logistics and Coordination; he takes care of supply and transport of projects’ equipment and communication between Amazônia’s operational base and the near towns.

Associazione Amazonia Milano ETS
Registered office:
Via Pola 21 – 20124 Milan, Italy
C.F. 97389380151 – P Iva 13129030964

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