Amazônia is a non-profit organization that has been involved for 20 years in the protection of the Amazon rainforest, a biome endangered by multiple threats of local and global origin.
Amazônia was born in Italy but it works, grows and creates alliances in Brazil, in the heart of the forest, with the native populations who live there.

From experience, we know that the protection of the Amazon requires collective actions, which go beyond the traditional mandate of environmental conservation.
a new vision of the forest
no longer as an obstacle to economic development but a heritage of biodiversity.

investments in alternative economic strategies
for sustainable development based on the wealth of the forest.
global participation
actions taken in the Amazon must be accompanied by changes in non-Amazonian countries and regions.
This is why our work is multisectoral and develops around different axes:
We operate according to a socio-environmental conservation model that actively involves forest peoples in the search for innovative solutions, combines traditional knowledge with science and technology and promotes sustainable development.
Our work aims to protect the ecosystem, its animal and plant biodiversity together with the culture, traditions and lifestyles of its peoples.

Amazônia has its origins at the end of the last century. In those years, the world saw the birth of the first movements against globalization and the exploitation of environmental resources, as well as the publication of the Kyoto Protocol. There was talk of environmentalism and ecology but the perception of the connection between distant habitats was not yet widespread among the public. Unaware that something new was going on, people with different backgrounds, experiences, and nationalities headed for the same place in the world.

It was in the heart of the Amazon rainforest that an encounter that changed the lives of many people took place - in the small village of Xixuaú, nestled in a lush, intact primary forest, but not immune to degradation and threats of deforestation. Europeans and natives here understand that they share a common goal and establish a pact of trust that will allow them to protect their forest. Forever.

The birth of Amazônia is the direct result of the encounter with the peoples of the forest. After years of scientific research in the Amazon, Emanuela Evangelista founds the organization together with a small group of experts, connoisseurs, and passionate defenders of both the forest and its peoples.

Amazônia grows and builds networks and alliances, meeting new partners in Italy, Brazil and England, including big names in conservation such as Ghillean Prance, John Hemming, Bianca Jagger and Tessa Gelisio. At the same time, it continues to support the peoples of the forest with concrete actions, training, health, income, and support in the struggle for the creation of a large protected area.

The first visit of a local inhabitant to Europe brings the voice of the peoples of the forest while receiving media attention and the “Bosco for Kyoto” prize at the Capitol in Rome. In Brazil, Amazônia stimulates the birth of Coop Xixuaú, a local cooperative intended to generate income from low environmental impact activities. We also support the construction of the Xixuaú Amazon Ecolodge, focusing on community ecotourism for sustainable development.

Amazônia's work receives the recognition of the Italian Legambiente as its president is appointed Environmentalist of the year. The importance of forests for the planet's climate balance is still a little-known fact to the public but we work hard to bring attention to the topic through various events, such as photography exhibitions, concerts, conferences, and workshops in schools.

The Maryba project is launched in collaboration with Italian Trentino Insieme Association and with the support of the Autonomous Province of Trento. This project will bring the peoples of the forest numerous opportunities for sustainable development and exchange: food supply chains, crafts, scientific research, South-South collaborations with African nations, vocational training, and environmental education.

Once again, the natives bring their voice to Europe to claim the defense of their forest.
Starting from the small village of Xixuaú, Amazônia's interventions reach 4 river basins, 5 million hectares of forest and come to benefit traditional communities and indigenous Yanomami groups. CoopXixuaú grows, acquiring river transportation, satellite connections. Its model attracts other neighboring communities.

Finally, after 17 years of struggle - the involvement of 14 native communities and almost 2000 local inhabitants, petitions, promising institutional meetings and numerous disappointments, the region obtains the definitive status of a protected area. The Lower Rio Branco-Jauaperi Extractive Reserve is born: 600 thousand hectares of primary forest, torn from deforestation and protected on a long term.

Amazônia's work is recognized by the President of the Italian Republic, who bestows on the founder Emanuela Evangelista the high honor of Officer of the Order of Merit. The Covid-19 emergency severely hits the populations of the forest and Amazônia acts promptly to inform and supply the villages with food and basic supplies, helping to save many lives.

The climate crisis is devastating the forest communities: two years of unusual flooding followed by two years of extreme drought have triggered an environmental, humanitarian, and health crisis, making it even more urgent to protect the forest and, where necessary, reforest it. "Together we plant the future" is born to create an ecological corridor in a region with high deforestation rates.

Raising awareness is part of our mission because only global participation can save the forest. Conferences, interviews, meetings with international audiences, and even a book! "Amazonia. A Life in the Heart of the Forest", written by Emanuela Evangelista and published by Laterza, wins the prestigious Campiello Natura Prize. In the Jauaperi Reserve, Amazônia is committed to environmental education and rebuilding schools that have been damaged by recent floods.

Amazônia has its origins at the end of the last century. In those years, the world saw the birth of the first movements against globalization and the exploitation of environmental resources, as well as the publication of the Kyoto Protocol. There was talk of environmentalism and ecology but the perception of the connection between distant habitats was not yet widespread among the public. Unaware that something new was going on, people with different backgrounds, experiences, and nationalities headed for the same place in the world.

It was in the heart of the Amazon rainforest that an encounter that changed the lives of many people took place - in the small village of Xixuaú, nestled in a lush, intact primary forest, but not immune to degradation and threats of deforestation. Europeans and natives here understand that they share a common goal and establish a pact of trust that will allow them to protect their forest. Forever.

The birth of Amazônia is the direct result of the encounter with the peoples of the forest. After years of scientific research in the Amazon, Emanuela Evangelista founds the organization together with a small group of experts, connoisseurs, and passionate defenders of both the forest and its peoples.

Amazônia grows and builds networks and alliances, meeting new partners in Italy, Brazil and England, including big names in conservation such as Ghillean Prance, John Hemming, Bianca Jagger and Tessa Gelisio. At the same time, it continues to support the peoples of the forest with concrete actions, training, health, income, and support in the struggle for the creation of a large protected area.

The first visit of a local inhabitant to Europe brings the voice of the peoples of the forest while receiving media attention and the “Bosco for Kyoto” prize at the Capitol in Rome. In Brazil, Amazônia stimulates the birth of Coop Xixuaú, a local cooperative intended to generate income from low environmental impact activities. We also support the construction of the Xixuaú Amazon Ecolodge, focusing on community ecotourism for sustainable development.

Amazônia's work receives the recognition of the Italian Legambiente as its president is appointed Environmentalist of the year. The importance of forests for the planet's climate balance is still a little-known fact to the public but we work hard to bring attention to the topic through various events, such as photography exhibitions, concerts, conferences, and workshops in schools.

The Maryba project is launched in collaboration with Italian Trentino Insieme Association and with the support of the Autonomous Province of Trento. This project will bring the peoples of the forest numerous opportunities for sustainable development and exchange: food supply chains, crafts, scientific research, South-South collaborations with African nations, vocational training, and environmental education.

Once again, the natives bring their voice to Europe to claim the defense of their forest.
Starting from the small village of Xixuaú, Amazônia's interventions reach 4 river basins, 5 million hectares of forest and come to benefit traditional communities and indigenous Yanomami groups. CoopXixuaú grows, acquiring river transportation, satellite connections. Its model attracts other neighboring communities.

Finally, after 17 years of struggle - the involvement of 14 native communities and almost 2000 local inhabitants, petitions, promising institutional meetings and numerous disappointments, the region obtains the definitive status of a protected area. The Lower Rio Branco-Jauaperi Extractive Reserve is born: 600 thousand hectares of primary forest, torn from deforestation and protected on a long term.

Amazônia's work is recognized by the President of the Italian Republic, who bestows on the founder Emanuela Evangelista the high honor of Officer of the Order of Merit. The Covid-19 emergency severely hits the populations of the forest and Amazônia acts promptly to inform and supply the villages with food and basic supplies, helping to save many lives.

The climate crisis is devastating the forest communities: two years of unusual flooding followed by two years of extreme drought have triggered an environmental, humanitarian, and health crisis, making it even more urgent to protect the forest and, where necessary, reforest it. "Together we plant the future" is born to create an ecological corridor in a region with high deforestation rates.

Raising awareness is part of our mission because only global participation can save the forest. Conferences, interviews, meetings with international audiences, and even a book! "Amazonia. A Life in the Heart of the Forest", written by Emanuela Evangelista and published by Laterza, wins the prestigious Campiello Natura Prize. In the Jauaperi Reserve, Amazônia is committed to environmental education and rebuilding schools that have been damaged by recent floods.

Amazônia's work receives the Un Bosco per Kyoto award, delivered by the Kronos Academy in the Capitol in Rome.

Emanuela Evangelista, president of Amazônia is honored by Legambiente as Environmentalist of the year.

Amazônia receives a special mention at the Peace Prize, established by the Lombardy Region.


In 2020 Emanuela Evangelista is appointed the position of Officer of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic by the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella.

In 2022 our work is awarded the third position in the Italian edition of the Terre de Femmes Award, promoted by the Yves Rocher Foundation.