In the heart of the big forest, between the Brazilian States of Amazonas and Roraima, hundreds of kilometers far away from the main cities and from the capital Manaus, there is the remote region of the Jauaperi River. Completely covered by tropical forest and considered of high priority for the Amazonic biodiversity conservation, the area is influenced by a combination of waters with different chemical compositions: dark coming from the Rio Negro and clear from the near Rio Branco.
The Jauaperi is rich in plant species which produce edible fruits, oils, resins, tinctures, medical herbs and include luxury timber and important species for local use. For example, the rubber tree and the Amazon nut tree.
In the region is registered a high amount of wild and water fauna. Only 42 species exist among mammals, 11 of which are included in the IUCN list for endangered species, like the jaguar, the giant otter, the pink river dolphin, saki and spider monkeys, the manatee, the armadillo, the anteater, and the tapir. Among the reptiles there is the giant turtle and the big-headed turtle, which is a very requested species on the black market, along with the black cayman. Among the birds, we highlight the harpy eagle.
The Resex covers 581.173 acres. It was created by a presidential decree after 17 years of environmental activism and civil battles.
The reserve protects a region which is threatened by the opening of new roads, the wood industry, and by intensive agricultural extension. It can be added to an important ensemble of protected areas, thanks to its priceless landscape, richness, and biodiversity, representing today a bastion for the fight against climate change.
The area guarantees the right for 1,500 native people to live there and play an active role in land management by shielding traditions and using natural resources in a sustainable way.
Jauaperi Extractive Reserve

The Jauaperi Extractive Reserve tells one of the longest stories of struggle for the people of the forest. For a long time, it has been hampered by economic interests and governmental developing plans. In 17 years we have witnessed an intense controversy regarding resources between local politicians, traditional communities and poachers. We have witnessed attempts of intimidation and spreading of fake news and death threats. A prime example of this is when the house of one of the leaders was set ablaze.

The first establishment request that was sent to the Environment Ministry concerned a small area around the Xixuaú traditional village. Together with the local organization “Associação Amazônia”, and the families of the area, a conservation model was discussed. It started the first contacts with the Environment Administration IBAMA and with the National Council of Traditional Communities CNPT.

2004 - 2018
Together with the locals we organized many trips to Brasilia in order to meet the federal government’s representatives, Interior Ministers, President Lula, many Environment Ministers, (including the famous activist Marina Silva and managers from IBAMA and the Chico Mendes institute for biodiversity conservation – today delegated to the reserve’s management). Locally, have placed constant pressure on governments, organized meetings with councillors, mayors, governors, territorial management bodies and state and federal universities.

We gave the Environment Ministry (IBAMA/CNPT) the results of our scientific research papers in order to draw up the documents necessary to establish the reserve. In the same year the request got to Brasilia and was taken to the ‘Casa Civil’, where it stayed for 12 years.

We took the Jauaperi communities’ revendication up to Copenaghen in order to take part in the COP15 world climate conference and to present a public support request to the Brazilian Environment Minister Carlos Minc.

The campaign to encourage the reserve’s establishment approval found a big amount of local and international partners during the years. With them, we created a network, took part in meetings with local communities and authorities, organized petitions, and sent many letters to the institutions. Among those here we quote: WWF, ISA, Vitória Amazônica Foundation, Seringueiros National Council, World Conservation Society, the Nature Conservancy, Forests Forever and the local organisations ECOEX, AARJ, Associação Amazônia and CoopXixuaú.

Every year on world Environment’s Day we waited for the President’s declaration. On June 5th, 2018 President Michel Temer signed the institutive decree of the Jauaperi Reserve. The locals rejoiced, and we rejoiced with them. Almost 600,000 hectares of forest and 1500 natives are now protected on a long term.

We contributed to the realization of the first institutional visit of the Chico Mendes institute for biodiversity conservation “ICMBio” – today delegated to the reserve’s management and to the setup of a management plan that involves local people living in the area.


The Jauaperi Extractive Reserve tells one of the longest stories of struggle for the people of the forest. For a long time, it has been hampered by economic interests and governmental developing plans. In 17 years we have witnessed an intense controversy regarding resources between local politicians, traditional communities and poachers. We have witnessed attempts of intimidation and spreading of fake news and death threats. A prime example of this is when the house of one of the leaders was set ablaze.

The first establishment request that was sent to the Environment Ministry concerned a small area around the Xixuaú traditional village. Together with the local organization “Associação Amazônia”, and the families of the area, a conservation model was discussed. It started the first contacts with the Environment Administration IBAMA and with the National Council of Traditional Communities CNPT.

2004 - 2018
Together with the locals we organized many trips to Brasilia in order to meet the federal government’s representatives, Interior Ministers, President Lula, many Environment Ministers, (including the famous activist Marina Silva and managers from IBAMA and the Chico Mendes institute for biodiversity conservation – today delegated to the reserve’s management). Locally, have placed constant pressure on governments, organized meetings with councillors, mayors, governors, territorial management bodies and state and federal universities.

We gave the Environment Ministry (IBAMA/CNPT) the results of our scientific research papers in order to draw up the documents necessary to establish the reserve. In the same year the request got to Brasilia and was taken to the ‘Casa Civil’, where it stayed for 12 years.

We took the Jauaperi communities’ revendication up to Copenaghen in order to take part in the COP15 world climate conference and to present a public support request to the Brazilian Environment Minister Carlos Minc.

The campaign to encourage the reserve’s establishment approval found a big amount of local and international partners during the years. With them, we created a network, took part in meetings with local communities and authorities, organized petitions, and sent many letters to the institutions. Among those here we quote: WWF, ISA, Vitória Amazônica Foundation, Seringueiros National Council, World Conservation Society, the Nature Conservancy, Forests Forever and the local organisations ECOEX, AARJ, Associação Amazônia and CoopXixuaú.

Every year on world Environment’s Day we waited for the President’s declaration. On June 5th, 2018 President Michel Temer signed the institutive decree of the Jauaperi Reserve. The locals rejoiced, and we rejoiced with them. Almost 600,000 hectares of forest and 1500 natives are now protected on a long term.

We contributed to the realization of the first institutional visit of the Chico Mendes institute for biodiversity conservation “ICMBio” – today delegated to the reserve’s management and to the setup of a management plan that involves local people living in the area.